Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I do so wonder as to how...

 Indeed, it's true, I admit that I do so wonder as to how people may come to view me. I haven't much experience in the writing of "blogs", but I have, as of recently, been talked into it by a dear friend of mine. I am a writer, yes, or so I would like to think of myself as one, and I put all of my time and energy into my writing: or rather, I should say, all of my spare time and energy into my writing, which I admit, I haven't much to spare as of lately. However, my good friend has indeed convinced me that many people (though I cannot imagine what sorts of people) would be quite interested in my writing. I do believe that the phrase she used was that my writing was "sharp, witty, and downright enjoyable", which I do admit made my day quite thoroughly. ^.^

 Anyways, so that would be my reasoning for starting this blog. First and foremost, I'm called Ella, but I shall go by Georgiana for the purposes of this blog: I'm sixteen years old, which some people, for whatever reason, seem to have trouble believing. I enjoy quite a few things, and those some of those things don't quite collaborate well with the others. I suppose you could call my interests eclectic, or perhaps even spontaneous? I have a love for all things classic, to be honest: that is to say in terms of books, music, and even some movies. Jane Austen and Agatha Christie are amongst some of my favorite classic authors, and yes, I do consider both to be classic. In terms of classical music, I think less in the terms of "Classical" Mozart or Beethoven, and more in the terms of Glenn Miller and Nat King Cole, both of whom I love dearly. And as to movies, I enjoy any good Audrey Hepburn film as much as the next person. If you're ideas of classic don't quite match up to mind, I apologize for misleading you thus far.

 I guess most of those things aren't quite the usual interests of a sixteen year old girl, but don't worry, I'm not so far off the map as to not have any interest in other things as well: I'll listen to almost any form of music there is, simply because I find great joy in it (I'm a Chorus Kid, ^^ Can't blame me for that). The only music I refuse to hear is rap, heavy metal, or screamo music, mostly because if I can't understand it or I can't relate to it, there's honestly no point in hearing it. In terms of television, I can honestly say that I don't watch much of it. The television shows that I do enjoy consist of Ghost Hunters, Scare Tactics, Doctor Who, Torchwood and the Sarah Jane Adventures (and just to clear this up, by the way, I'm American). Otherwise, I prefer watching movies, or reading a good book. I love humor (Monty Python RULES), I admit, but I prefer a rather... different sort of humor? I'm not sure how one would describe it, I just know that most other people don't understand it. My father calls it dry humor, my mother calls it British humor. Whatever it is, I like it.

 Also, I can honestly say that I have an extreme love for make up. Seriously, I really do. I love to play around with it and see what sort of things I can come up with, which would be as to why I have my own make up tutorial channel on YouTube (DarlingMaybe). It would be amazing if you checked that out and subscribed to it, really. I've got an obsession with Harry Potter (go figure, right?), and I love the books as well as the movies (though they could be much better and more faithful to the books). A Very Potter Musical is one of the most amazing things ever, and I suggest that one should watch it, if one is not offended by rude language or sexual humor. I'm convinced that I'm married to Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy (in my dreams), as well as the Mad Hatter from the SyFy series "Alice" (Also in my dreams). And as far as I'm aware, that's really all that there is that needed to be told about myself for the purposes of this introduction. And so I hope that, if you've bothered to read this far, you'll continue to read my posts, and find them if nothing else, at the very least interesting.

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